all computer software,Browsers,Youtube videos,windows and linux fedora realted information available here
Thursday, September 10, 2009
download manager
while browsing there will be interrrupts for internet...
like power cut or some disconnectin or etc..
to resume the discontinued dowloads...
here is a best software u can use it...
just install it and restart ur browser..
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
#n.Download Opera
Opera browser has come up with a new version
check out the latest version at
have a nice day
youtube cache videos in temp file u want to know where the youtube streamed videos go..
2.1. C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\cache
if u have created profiles for mozilla
go to
so search here...
the file may be of form for example 098EF875....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
oracle 10g installation
Notes on Oracle 10g Installation
Go to the Oracle download web site:
You may need two different downloads:
The 10g release is the database system itself. You need it only if you want to have databases local to your machine. 10g Client has the SQLPlusWorksheet application. It will allow you to connect to our Oracle server and/or your local database. Click on each release above to see the installation notes. There are additional notes on starting and stopping Oracle 10g, and logging on to Oracle.
Installing 10g
The following is a series of screen snapshots that capture the settings you'll need. Install Oracle at the top of C: (or some other disk). I don't think Oracle likes blanks in its path (e.g., like "Program Files").
Select personal edition, provide a database password and remember this password! Here's the next panel:
Click install. The installer will take a while. You may (or may not) get errors during installation. In such cases, you may or may not get a correct installation. When it has not worked, I ended all of my user processes, and started again. Finally this page appears:
The most important thing to do at this time is to click password management button. You MUST activate the Scott account (and any others that you want). You will then be presented with a screen of information that looks like the following. Copy its contents into a text file for safe keeping.
You're almost done. Search the Oracle installation directory for the tnsnames.ora file. It should be in directory oracle\product\10.1.0\DB4\NETWORK\ADMIN. Open it and you'll find an entry like the one below:
(SERVICE_NAME = oracle)
Copy this, as we will need to paste it into a corresponding file in the 10g client, once it is installed. You may have a different name than ORACLE = . This is the service name (ORACLE or whatever) that you will use to log onto your database.
For reference, here is the tnsnames.ora file that I use for my 10g server. Remember, I used the name ORACLE for my service name; yours might be different. Note also that "commando" is the name of my machine.
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_4\network\admin\tnsnames.ora |
Starting and Stopping Oracle
Oracle will install lots of services which will heavily load your machine. Pull up the Windows services panel and see which ones are running. Make note of them, and do the following. Turn off each service and have it start manually. (If not, each time you boot your machine, Oracle will begin to run, and it is a resource hog). To run the local database, you need to start 3 services: OracleService, DBConsole, and CSService. I believe they can be started in any order. In fact, I use the following batch script on my windows machine to start, stop oracle:
rem %1 is either start or stop
net %1 OracleServiceORCL
net %1 OracleOradb10g_home1TNSListener
net %1 OracleCSService
Please note that the names of these services may be different on your machine, so modify the above script accordingly.
Installing 10g Client
Here is the splash screen:
Choose administrator, Next. The installer will grinds for about 10 minutes.
Click cancel. You're almost done.
Now, search for the tnsnames.ora file in the 10g Client installation. It should be in oracle\product\10.1.0\Client_2\NETWORK\ADMIN. Do the following:
- Add the Oracle descriptor to this file that you extracted from your 10g install. (Click here see how to get this). This descriptor will allow you to log into to your local Oracle database. You can logon as "scott", password "tiger", and the installation service name that was defined in your Oracle 10g installation (e.g., ORACLE).
- Now add the following additional descriptor. It will allow you to log on as yourself to our class's Oracle server at school. You log on with your user name and password, using microlab as the service.
(SID = orcl)
For reference, here is the tnsnames.ora file that I use for my 10g client. Remember, I used the name ORACLE for my service name; yours might be different:
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\Oracle\product\10.1.0\Client_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora |
Logging onto Oracle
Use SQLPlusWorksheet to logon to either your local install of 10g or our classes server.
- Local login: log on as "scott", password "tiger", and the installation service name that was defined in your Oracle 10g installation (e.g., ORACLE).
- Server login: log on with your user name and password, using microlab as the service.
Unlocking The Scott Account
So you forgot to unlock the Scott account, eh? Here is a suggestion. Login using SQLPlusWorksheet to oracle as "System", using the password you gave to system accounts during installation. Then run the following script:
Notes on Oracle 10g Installation
Go to the Oracle download web site:
You may need two different downloads:
The 10g release is the database system itself. You need it only if you want to have databases local to your machine. 10g Client has the SQLPlusWorksheet application. It will allow you to connect to our Oracle server and/or your local database. Click on each release above to see the installation notes. There are additional notes on starting and stopping Oracle 10g, and logging on to Oracle.
Installing 10g
The following is a series of screen snapshots that capture the settings you'll need. Install Oracle at the top of C: (or some other disk). I don't think Oracle likes blanks in its path (e.g., like "Program Files").
Select personal edition, provide a database password and remember this password! Here's the next panel:
Click install. The installer will take a while. You may (or may not) get errors during installation. In such cases, you may or may not get a correct installation. When it has not worked, I ended all of my user processes, and started again. Finally this page appears:
The most important thing to do at this time is to click password management button. You MUST activate the Scott account (and any others that you want). You will then be presented with a screen of information that looks like the following. Copy its contents into a text file for safe keeping.
You're almost done. Search the Oracle installation directory for the tnsnames.ora file. It should be in directory oracle\product\10.1.0\DB4\NETWORK\ADMIN. Open it and you'll find an entry like the one below:
(SERVICE_NAME = oracle)
Copy this, as we will need to paste it into a corresponding file in the 10g client, once it is installed. You may have a different name than ORACLE = . This is the service name (ORACLE or whatever) that you will use to log onto your database.
For reference, here is the tnsnames.ora file that I use for my 10g server. Remember, I used the name ORACLE for my service name; yours might be different. Note also that "commando" is the name of my machine.
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_4\network\admin\tnsnames.ora |
Starting and Stopping Oracle
Oracle will install lots of services which will heavily load your machine. Pull up the Windows services panel and see which ones are running. Make note of them, and do the following. Turn off each service and have it start manually. (If not, each time you boot your machine, Oracle will begin to run, and it is a resource hog). To run the local database, you need to start 3 services: OracleService, DBConsole, and CSService. I believe they can be started in any order. In fact, I use the following batch script on my windows machine to start, stop oracle:
rem %1 is either start or stop
net %1 OracleServiceORCL
net %1 OracleOradb10g_home1TNSListener
net %1 OracleCSService
Please note that the names of these services may be different on your machine, so modify the above script accordingly.
Installing 10g Client
Here is the splash screen:
Choose administrator, Next. The installer will grinds for about 10 minutes.
Click cancel. You're almost done.
Now, search for the tnsnames.ora file in the 10g Client installation. It should be in oracle\product\10.1.0\Client_2\NETWORK\ADMIN. Do the following:
- Add the Oracle descriptor to this file that you extracted from your 10g install. (Click here see how to get this). This descriptor will allow you to log into to your local Oracle database. You can logon as "scott", password "tiger", and the installation service name that was defined in your Oracle 10g installation (e.g., ORACLE).
- Now add the following additional descriptor. It will allow you to log on as yourself to our class's Oracle server at school. You log on with your user name and password, using microlab as the service.
(SID = orcl)
For reference, here is the tnsnames.ora file that I use for my 10g client. Remember, I used the name ORACLE for my service name; yours might be different:
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: C:\Oracle\product\10.1.0\Client_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora |
Logging onto Oracle
Use SQLPlusWorksheet to logon to either your local install of 10g or our classes server.
- Local login: log on as "scott", password "tiger", and the installation service name that was defined in your Oracle 10g installation (e.g., ORACLE).
- Server login: log on with your user name and password, using microlab as the service.
Unlocking the Scott Account
So you forgot to unlock the Scott account, eh? Using SQLPlusWorksheet, login as "system" using the password that you gave to system accounts when you installed oracle. Next, execute the following statements:
alter user scott account unlock;
grant connect, resource to scott;
That should do it. If you want to create new accounts, try this:
create user LOGINNAME profile default identified by PASSWORD;
alter user LOGINNAME account unlock;
grant connect, resource to PASSWORD;
oracle 10g forget password
Many times, users may find themselves with a lost SYS password when using Oracle 10g. Though it may appear difficult, there are many solutions to this issue.
For example, on Oracle DBA Forums, a user finds themselves troubled by a lost SYS password, and was given these solutions by various repliers:
First, 'Dave' advises that you can connect using the alter user privilege under any user, and change the password since it has been lost.
Next, JGarmany
Make sure that the database and listener services are started. Then open a command prompt and log in as / as sysdba. Then change the sys password.
c:> sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter user sys identified by ,new password>;
If you get asked for a password when you log in as / you need to create or recreate the password file using orapw. Check the $ORACLE_HOME/database directory for a file called orapw. That is the password file for the database. Create (or recreate) it using:
c:\> orawpd file=$ORACLE_HOME/database/orapwdpassword= entries=5
Notice it is from the dos prompt
Lastly, 'vienpbvbard' informs that you may also want to try the following when you are troubled by a lost SYS password:
******* please note that i got this info from internet .. i am not aware of this********
1. login oracle user
2. cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
3. ed(vi) file sqlnet.ora
4. Remark by # at begining of line
5. sqlplus /nolog or (svrmgrl) command
6. connect sys as sysdba, or connect internal
(not need input the password).
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Indian students contribute to the highest International student population in U.S. Universities surpassing China in the latest year. There are 74,603 students presently enrolled in US Universities.
The following are the factors that influence any student's decision to pursue a Masters program in United States.
1. World Class Education
2. Excellent research facilities
3. Easy to survive
4. International exposure
5. Immense Opportunities for the deserving
6. Sizeable Indian population
US Education System:
In United States of America, the education system comprises of 12 years of primary and secondary schooling. A student who has completed 12 years of education will be eligible to apply for a bachelors program and a student who has completed 16 years of education is eligible to apply for a Masters program. Its unlike in India where 3 years traditional degree is not sufficient to apply for masters program in US. Student from India with 3 years degree should complete an additional year of degree program to become eligible for admission.
There are four semesters mentioned below are available in the US Universities,
1. Fall semester
Starts in the month of August / September
Apply before end of March month
2. Spring semester
Starts in the month of January / February
Apply before end of September month
3. Summer Semester
Starts in the month of April
Apply before November of the previous year
4. Winter Semester
Starts in the month of November
Apply before end of May month
It is strongly recommended to opt for Fall semester as their first priority in applying to Universities followed by Spring semester. The choice of Universities is wide and the chances of financial aid are also high during Fall semester.
If one wishes to improve his chances of securing admission and financial assistance, it is advised to students to send their application packets to the respective Universities 9-12 months prior to the start of the semester.
Rolling Admissions: Some of the Universities follow the system of Rolling admissions, where they do not have any application deadlines and accept applications throughout the year. They provide admissions based on the availability of seats for that respective semester. Once the intake is full, they defer the application packet of the students to the next semester.
General terminology used in US unlike in India:
Graduation/Graduate Programs
In India, we refer to B.Tech., B.E., MBBS, B.A., B.Sc., B.Com, B.Pharm., etc. as graduate programs, and M.Tech, M.Sc., M.A., etc as post graduation programs. In the US, programs like B.Tech., B.E., MBBS, B.A., B.Sc., B.Com, B.Pharm. are referred to as undergraduate programs.
M.S., M.A., MBA and Ph.D. are referred to as graduate programs by the US universities.
So, remember that you have completed (or studying) your undergraduate program and you are applying for admission into graduate programs in the US universities.
For us in India, B.Tech is a course; B.Com. is a course. In the US, the term course is used to refer to (what we call as) subjects. For example, if you are Computer Science Engineer, you would have done a course called Digital Signal Processing (Note that this is one of the subjects that you would have done).
So, in your Statement of Purpose and other documents where you want to mention the subjects that you have done, use the word "courses."
The branch of study is referred to as major. For example, if you are a mechanical engineer, you will say that you majored in Mechanical Engineering.
Grade 10 and 12
When you are talking about your Tenth Standard (SSC, etc.) or Twelfth Standard (HSC, etc.) in your essays, it is better that you use terms like Grade 10 and Grade 12 (respectively) rather than use words like SSC and HSC. The universities will immediately understand words like Grade 10 and 12 as that is the terminology they are familiar with.
Your Academic Scores
The US universities use GPA (Grade Point Average) as a measure for expressing academic performance. However while quoting your marks, if your university gives percentage marks, use only percentage marks. If your university gives a scale of conversion from percentage to GPA, use such a scale and convert your marks to GPA - otherwise, do not use your own conversion scale or methodology to express your marks in GPA.
Credit hour
Credit given for attending one lecture hour of class each week for 15 weeks or equivalent. Most college classes are three credit hours, meaning their total meeting time for a week is three hours.
Admission Process:
Factors that play a major role in the admission process:
1. Test Scores (GRE® / TOEFL®): Your scores in GRE (General Test)® and TOEFL® are required by good universities before they decide on your application for admission into their universities. Some universities may also ask you to take GRE® Subject test depending on your background and the major area you are applying for.
2. Academics (GPA): Your marks in Tenth and Twelfth standards and undergraduation will form an important part of the admission process. Your marks up to the semester you have completed should be sent along with the application packet. Good academics of the student always improve the admission chances and chances of financial assistance.
3. Statement of purpose: SOP is an essay stating your objectives and why the university should select you. This forms an important part of the admission process. An effectively written SOP can always make a difference in the deciding the admission status.
4. Recommendation Letters: The comments/recommendations of the recommender put down in the form of a written document is known as a Recommendation Letter. Recommendation letters also form an important part of the admission process.
Types of Financial Assistance:
1. Fellowships and Scholarships
2. Assistantships
i) Teaching Assistantship
ii) Research Assistantship
3. On Campus jobs
®GRE and TOEFL are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service(ETS)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
How to create a WAR file
How to create a WAR file - జస్వంత్ reddy
Here's how to compress a 'pets' web application into a "Web Archive" file named pets.war so that you can easily transport it to another server.
- Open a command prompt and cd to
\webapps\pets - Use the java archive command 'jar' to bundle up your application
jar -cvf pets.war *
In English, "compress everything in this directory into a file named pets.war"
(c=create, v=verbose, f=file)
Now you can copy pets.war to any the webapps directory on a new Tomcat Server. When you save the file to a new server BE SURE not to save it as a ZIP file, choose "all files". If Tomcat is running on the new server the war file will be automatically installed as soon as you save it. If not, start up Tomcat on the new server to install the application after you have saved it. Do NOT attempt to unzip the war file or do any installation yourself. Tomcat will do everything for you!
When the server is restarted it will automatically uncompress the files and recreate a web application named 'pets'. (Do NOT attempt to unzip the war file yourself, let Tomcat take care of all that.)