Saturday, May 9, 2009

oracle 10g forget password

Many times, users may find themselves with a lost SYS password when using Oracle 10g. Though it may appear difficult, there are many solutions to this issue.

For example, on Oracle DBA Forums, a user finds themselves troubled by a lost SYS password, and was given these solutions by various repliers:

  • First, 'Dave' advises that you can connect using the alter user privilege under any user, and change the password since it has been lost.

  • Next, JGarmany

  • Make sure that the database and listener services are started. Then open a command prompt and log in as / as sysdba. Then change the sys password.

    c:> sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect / as sysdba
    SQL> alter user sys identified by ,new password>;

    If you get asked for a password when you log in as / you need to create or recreate the password file using orapw. Check the $ORACLE_HOME/database directory for a file called orapw. That is the password file for the database. Create (or recreate) it using:

    c:\> orawpd file=$ORACLE_HOME/database/orapwd password= entries=5

    Notice it is from the dos prompt

  • Lastly, 'vienpbvbard' informs that you may also want to try the following when you are troubled by a lost SYS password:

  • 1. login oracle user
    2. cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    3. ed(vi) file sqlnet.ora
    4. Remark by # at begining of line

    5. sqlplus /nolog or (svrmgrl) command
    6. connect sys as sysdba, or connect internal
    (not need input the password).

******* please note that i got this info from internet .. i am not aware of this********

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