Many times, users may find themselves with a lost SYS password when using Oracle 10g. Though it may appear difficult, there are many solutions to this issue.
For example, on Oracle DBA Forums, a user finds themselves troubled by a lost SYS password, and was given these solutions by various repliers:
First, 'Dave' advises that you can connect using the alter user privilege under any user, and change the password since it has been lost.
Next, JGarmany
Make sure that the database and listener services are started. Then open a command prompt and log in as / as sysdba. Then change the sys password.
c:> sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter user sys identified by ,new password>;
If you get asked for a password when you log in as / you need to create or recreate the password file using orapw. Check the $ORACLE_HOME/database directory for a file called orapw. That is the password file for the database. Create (or recreate) it using:
c:\> orawpd file=$ORACLE_HOME/database/orapwdpassword= entries=5
Notice it is from the dos prompt
Lastly, 'vienpbvbard' informs that you may also want to try the following when you are troubled by a lost SYS password:
******* please note that i got this info from internet .. i am not aware of this********
1. login oracle user
2. cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
3. ed(vi) file sqlnet.ora
4. Remark by # at begining of line
5. sqlplus /nolog or (svrmgrl) command
6. connect sys as sysdba, or connect internal
(not need input the password).
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